viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Obituario América 2012

Escrito publicado con todo el dolor de su corazón, por gente que emprendió hace muchos años una nueva vida en este maravilloso y hermoso país y que ha visto cómo se iban al traste tantas y tantas cosas buenas que se crearon con el esfuerzo de todos.


The United States of America passed away late last night with an almost silent whimper.  

She was 236 years old.   The grand old lady died of neglect, stupidity, arrogance and pure abuse at the hands of both her leaders and its ignorant populace

She will be survived by the Socialist Democratic Republic of Obamerica or SDRO
Also killed in this same massive, catastrophic, progressive wreck were personal freedoms, American values, exceptionalism,
 The Constitution, economic growth, conservatism, fiscal sanity, American unity, free markets, life's sanctity, marriage between man and woman, Republicanism, free will, self-reliance
and many more so mutilated as to be unrecognizable any longer
May she rest in peace and God bless her soul!
July 4, 1776-November 6, 2012

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